That is who I AM!


I launched this website on FB two days ago and the response is 100x beyond what I have imagined. The orders started rolling in - one order purchased 10 bracelets! The love and support shown has been truly unimaginable and I am a bit overwhelmed by the love. 'Thank you' are not strong enough words to describe my gratitude. My heart is smiling.

What touched me the most were all the private messages I received.  They were from people who were afraid to "comment" or "like" the post but they wanted to let me know how much they liked the post. These people shared a bit of their stories and struggles. You are the ones I get! You are the ones I hoped this site would reach and you are the ones who I want to let know that you are not alone. I feel you, I get you.

At my Baptist Level 2 Yoga Teacher Training each of us had to state a declaration in front of the room. (about 215 people). My heart starts beating fast just thinking back to that week and that task. The declaration started with "The hiding I give up is..." We each gave it a lot of thought,  like 4 or 5 days of thought, examining what we hide and what we deep down want to give up. We had to state it loudly in a commanding voice. We had to state it as a powerful truth.  When I spoke the words that week, I have to say I didn't really believe them. In fact when I first spoke them- i kind of laughed through the sentence because I didn't really believe it could happen. But you know what I just realized right now in this moment, as I write this ...My declaration finally became truth! 

"Right now, the hiding I give up is not wanting to be SEEN and I create myself as OPEN and REAL.  That is who I AM!"

Let someone see you. Let them in. I promise deep down they crave to be seen too.