Yoga Brought Me Here


Yoga has been such a support while living with depression. I could go on, and on, about yoga and depression and over time I might touch on all my thoughts.

One of the many things I love about this practice, when done in a studio, is being in a community, with people, breathing, moving, having a common experience without having to say a word. 

In Yoga, I can kick off my shoes, enter a studio, roll out my mat and sink right into child's pose. And, it is all socially acceptable ;) Where else can you enter a large space with many people and settle into an "inward" focused pose without saying a word. 

And, if I feel like talking and sharing and connecting, the community is there for me. Even strangers, we are all there to practice yoga, and usually the room is filled with openhearted, kind and caring people. 

So even on the hard days, when I don't want to see a soul, I can walk into a yoga studio and by just making it to my mat, the rest seems easy, the day feels better after connecting with people even without saying a word.